Transforming the current open-air pier to a flexible waterfront venue
The Walsh Bay Arts Precinct (WBAP) project involved the major development and adaptive re-use of Pier 2/3 and Wharf 4/5 and the Shoresheds, two original 1920s finger wharves on Hickson Road, transforming them into what will become Sydney's major public arts and cultural performance hub. Key elements of the development included modernizing theatres and audience facilities, rehearsal and studio spaces, theatre back of house workshops and support, commercial and retail spaces. The precinct is the permanent home for nine of Australia's leading performing arts companies.
TTW was involved with Pier 2/3 since before 2000 and involved in the precinct redevelopment since masterplan in 2013. Engaged directly by Infrastructure NSW, TTW has worked closely with key stakeholders throughout our involvement, to develop the design, to ensure the intent was always maintained, to celebrate the wharves heritage, and to guide the construction process.
Notable TTW scope items include:
- Existing structure investigation and condition survey
- Maintenance and upgrade engineering advice, including timber pile foundations
- New roof pops and large scale roof modifications
- Removal of columns to create large open performance and workshop spaces
- Additional mezzanine floors and roof spaces throughout
- Review of existing timber structure for fire engineering solutions
- Theatre space design, including acoustically isolated structure, catwalks, rigging, retractable seating units, etc.
- Internal and external stairs, gantries and lifts throughout
- Construction phase and temporary works engineering
- New facade and alterations to existing