A flagship visual feature for the University's renowned business school.

The University of Sydney (UoS) Business School is a state of the art teaching, learning and administration facility in the heart of The Sydney University Abercrombie Precinct. With a GFA of 32000m2 the building consolidates the Business School faculties and provides an improved southern entry to the University's Camperdown/Darlington Campus.

The Business School's main visual feature is a large steel framed staircase that rises up through the atrium known as Stair 4.

Stair 4 begins at the Basement 2 slab and extends up to Level 1. The typical spiral flights launch off Level 1 spanning between floors as they rise up the atrium, forming a spiral or volute. The maximum diameter of a flight is approximately 11.8m at Level 1, reducing down to 6.2m in diameter at the top of the atrium. Typically each flight connects into a concrete landing at every floor with a bolted and threaded coupler corbel connection.

Client: University of Sydney

Architect: Kann Finch|Carr Design

Builder: John Holland

Value: $5M

Completion: 2015

Sector: Universities

Services: Structural


  • MBA Excellence Award – Tertiary Buildings – up to $5M