New PE Centre demonstrates efficient and minimalist structural solutions
Shore Physical Education Centre is the largest building project in the history of the school. The project consists of four-storey building with pool hall with 50m pool, large double-height space gymnasium, sports hall with an additional three basketball courts adjoining to an existing court in the adjacent existing building, surrounding grandstand tiered seating for each hall, two levels of classrooms free spanning across each hall space with external rooftop terrace on each to maximise spectacular views of the city skyline.Notable engineering elements of the project would be the 35m spanning portals frames across both halls with steel rafter and precast columns, 35m spanning floor to floor Vierendeel trusses across both halls with classrooms on the lower level and external rooftop terraces on the upper level, curved/vaulted roof profiles with E.T.F.E. between in some areas, and 15m deep excavation within close proximity to existing structures and public areas which remained operational during construction. The project is within the final stages of completion and showcases TTW engineer's efficient and minimalist solutions with a focus on costs, buildability, and site restrictions to meet client and architectural brief on time and within budget.
In addition to undertaking the traffic analysis and design for the overall development, our Traffic Team prepared a Green Travel Plan for the Shore Physical Education Centre project. The works included travel surveys with staff and students, and identification of travel demand management strategies for the future of the school. An analysis of postcode data provided the basis for specific strategies to address the wide catchment area across Greater Sydney.