Liverpool's $740m health precinct will rival the greatest in the world
The Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct is a $740 million redevelopment of Liverpool Hospital and a new education and research hubThe project includes clinical and non-clinical services infrastructure to expand, enhance and optimise current capacity at Liverpool Hospital including:
- Integrated cancer centre (including inpatient, ambulatory, diagnostic, outpatient and research facilities)
- Critical care services (emergency department, intensive care, neonatal intensive care unit and special care nursery)
- Maternity and paediatric inpatient and ambulatory care facilities
- Aged care and rehabilitation expansion
- Ambulatory care and outpatient clinical spaces
- Expansion of interventional radiology and day surgery services
- Implementation of renal transplant services
- Expansion of haematology services including bone marrow transplant
- Associated clinical and non-clinical support services
- An anaesthesia focussed centre of practice and research
- Facilities and capacity for further teaching and research in partnership with industry and higher education partners.
In this context, the master plan and redevelopment of the Liverpool Hospital and Academic Precinct (LHAP) will include the demolition of existing aged buildings, replacing them with new ones, along with associated infrastructure and modifications to suit future needs of the south-western Sydney region.
The work will involve a complex staging program on a confined site. Particular issues will include constructing new buildings over operating cancer care bunkers, substantial modification and refurbishment of existing buildings, plus the maintenance of the hospital functions over a considerable construction period.
Likewise, our team of engineers is involved in assessing several design options for the LHAP during the master plan and concept stages. The project proceeds with enabling works and a Multi-Storey carpark underway and developing the design underway for the main buildings.