The Carlingford West Public School and Cumberland High School upgrades are part of the NSW Government’s $8.8B plan to rebuild essential services.
The Carlingford West Public-School upgrade will deliver new flexible classrooms, a hall, a library and multipurpose play court, a canteen, and refurbished staff and administration areas.
The upgrades to the Cumberland High School will deliver new flexible classrooms including specialist spaces for woodwork and visual arts spaces, a new multipurpose hall, sports and performance spaces, a new library, multipurpose play courts, canteen, and refurbished staff and administration areas.
The TTW Flood Management team prepared a TUflow hydraulic model and flood impact assessment of the site for development scenario including PMF and 1% AEP Afflux and flood hazard maps. The Flood Impact Assessment is required as there is a major overland flow path passing from east to west, bisecting the site. This included modelling the surrounding roads for emergency access.
The impact assessment also included a cumulative impact assessment that reviewed previous developments such as the kiss and ride link road, car park and four games courts, to avoid significant adverse impacts on surrounding properties.
